photography blogs

Finding your Place by Kent Smith

Each of us has our own style, it's what makes us who we are and how we others perceived us.  Often times we are limited with our style by the people who matter the most to us, our clients.   We are often put into shells because they only believe because you do one type of style, but sometimes this is very misleading. 

Working to create work that is meaningful in a new line of work is one way to prove that point to the clients.  At the present moment, we are working on a new concept for images that will surprise some, and make other take note.  Dare to created your own STYLE!

Great Images by Kent Smith

One of the questions that I get from students all the time is how do you create images that stand out from the others.  First, It's always a compliment to hear this from photography students who are looking to become better photographers.  My only response is that it didn't happen over night.  

I recently when back to some of my first images, and realized that I was way off in my approach to lighting and style, but I did make a few interesting images by accident.   The more images that I created there did become a sense of style that started to show up in my work.  As I changed as an artist, I found out more about myself and the people who I was photographing.   It became more about what message that I was trying to create with the images and less about the distractions.  

All I can say to new photographers is that it will not happen until you push the button, and I plan on continuing to push the button to find more and exciting images over the years.  

Ad campaign for Visit Charlotte.  

Ad campaign for Visit Charlotte.  

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
— Elliott Erwitt

Reviewing your Images by Kent Smith

It's very interesting to go back through your images that you have shot over the years to check what you have done, and decide what you want to become in the future as an image maker.  I find myself looking at the images from the past, and remembering the times, but also looking at ways to make better images.    

Photography is about telling stories to me.  It's about taking one concept or idea and transcending it into an image that speaks thousands of words for you and the client.  The photography world has changed so much over the last fours years,  mainly because of the internet and social media.  The first images out are in most cases to the social media platforms.  It's my thought that it should be the other way around.  It should first come out on the necessary print or ad, and then it should hit the social media platforms.  It's time that we get back to quality and leave the other on the side for afterwards.

Quality first and everything else second!